Thursday, May 20, 2010

I Love A Good Fad

Lynlee bought this two things called Silly Bands, or shaped rubber bands, from her school store the other day and wears them as bracelets. She broke one and I just cannot deal with a heartbroken 5 year old. I was telling her it was no big deal and she looked at me and asked me if I would go buy her some more.(With big tear filled eyes) I had to run to Hobby Lobby so I said I would look for some there. I asked the checkout lady if they had them, and she told me they sold them at Walgreen's. Fate was working on my side because I had a movie to take back to the Red Box at Walgreen's. So I ran in and the lady there told me they got a shipment in a couple hours before and they were already sold-out. What the heck, over stupid SHAPED RUBBER BANDS. When Lynlee got home from school, I had to break the news to her that I couldn't find any, more heartbreak. I went to recipe group last night on the other side of town and there was a Walgreen on the corner kind of where I was going, well I think there is a Walgreen's on most corners in Katy. But I thought, just run in a see, and success!! They had a couple boxes and people were grabbing them left and right, I got a couple different ones, and seriously paid $2.99 per box of 12, I'm crazy, YES!! When I got home Lynlee was oh so excited to see what I had scored, she tried to grab them, but I told her she has to earn them. I am such a good parent, BRIBERY but she has earned a few and I am enjoying the good behavior.

I guess they are kind of neat, better than pogs I collected as a kid or Pokeman cards which were just lame, but I'm sure next week "it" will be something totally different. But what can I say I'm a follower!!


Val said...

Isn't that crazy!?!? All the kids around here went googoo for them too. We're talking from 4 year olds to middle schoolers! I had to hunt some down as well. They became such a distraction that they got banned from the schools! My kids thought they were the coolest things EVER... for about a week. :)

Castaneda 5 said...

Yep, as you know, I bought $20 worth today after going to 2 Walgreen's that were sold out! The things we do for our munchkins!