Friday, May 28, 2010

Hidden Potential

Our new favorite thing is finding trash furniture, painting it and furnishing our house with it, basically turning trash to treasure (not really treasure but let's pretend). It all started with the awesomeness that is our dining room table and then we stole/took an old table our neighbors set out in the trash. Every place we have lived has had those big garbage cans provided by the city, if it didn't fit in the can they didn't take it!! Not here in Texas, you put it by the side of the road they take it. They being the garbage men, or anyone else how wants it. Back to the story, we took a table the neighbor had out in the garbage, Billy painted and stained it and it is now our desk in our study.

This next one has a really really good story. I was at the park in old Katy with my neighbor (not the table neighbor) and we were driving home and this little yellow number was calling my name. So I had to ask my neighbor I'm just kind of getting to know if we can pull over and if she would help me load this piece of crap in my car, to my surprise she said YES!! So he hopped out and trying to be fast, because it was the middle of the day we tried to make it fit in the car on top of the giant double stroller, about twenty minutes later, and after some guys stopped to ask us we needed help, we got it. We brought it home to a not so excited husband, but after some brainstorming he totally had a vision. I just wanted to use it as a dresser for the guest bedroom but Billy had other plans:
He chopped it in half and added a top to the bottom drawers, the side with the three drawers: he attached two drawers together and cut the bottom out of one. A little sanding, primer, a coat of black paint, some new handles and WAHLA!!

Some filing drawers for the office, and now the only thing we have ever bought for the office is a bookcase, the desk and these were out of the trash.

Here's how the two bottom drawers look attached, it works great, and I'm glad Billy has a little creativity in him, we make a great team and are for hire!!! This one is missing a handle because we just grabbed the number of handles we needed but one was a different kind. And no these are not ALL bills, we are not in that much debt. Now I am on a mission to find two more dressers and some nightstands, forget garage sales or craigslist, trash day is Monday!!


Karen Scott Welker said...

Have you read this blog? Seems like your kind of site.

Elise said...

So awesome, Rene! I'll go dumpster diving or trash stealing any day with you!

Carrie said...

Seriously that is impressive. It truly takes a visionary. Joel kept the giant box Kota the dinosaur came in and uses it as a tool table in our garage. Not so visionary.