Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mommy's Education

As Mother's Day is coming up this weekend, it has had me thinking how grateful I am to be a mother and all the things I've learned about life and myself since becoming one. My greatest teachers our my children and I have learned so many things from each of them. My first born Lynlee, my favorite for sure, she was the one who taught me how to feed a baby, bathe and hold a baby, and that I was the only one that could comfort her. She is my social butterfly that loves to smile, laugh and loves life. She changed my name to mommy, and how much I love this name!!
My second daughter, Regan, without a doubt my favorite. We wanted her here so bad and we were so excited when she arrived. She made us feel like a real family. She made Lynlee a Big Sister, and it is so fun to see how much they love each other. She is Lynlees's shadow and always looking for her approval. She is busy, funny, silly and adventurous. She taught me how I have two hands, one for each girl and how I can do much more than I thought I could.

The newest edition, McKenna, my favorite hands down. She has charmed us all, and what a joy she is. She is tenderhearted, shy, content, happy baby. She loves to watch her sisters, and I know all to soon she will be right there with them, playing and laughing. She has taught me, how to treasure their childhood, because it seems be moving by so fast.
The greatest thing I have learned is how love works, I didn't realize how the heart can expand, how time can be divided but love multiplies. I have been very blessed by my Heavenly Father with these special spirits to raise, most days I feel very inadequate for the job, but I know he is right there with me guiding me in what I should do. They have all taught me that everyday I want to be a better person and a better mommy for them. To strive to have more patience, more understanding.
I am so glad to have such wonderful Mother's in my life, my own Mom who is a great example of unconditional love and support to me. Billy's mom and step-mom, who raised a wondeful man that is all to willing to get his hands dirty, and be huge help with the kids. All my friends that help me survive day-to-day motherhood, with their encouragement and love!! I hope all Mommy's out there have a wonderful Mother's Day.


Mike & Jen said...

You're so sweet, Rene. And you have beautiful girls! I hope you have an awesome Mother's Day! How could you not with all the wonderful people surrounding you?!

Todd and Julie said...

I loved your post! So true. You were definitely made to be a mother even though there may be days that seem otherwise. Your girls are just too cute!!