Sunday, March 28, 2010


We braved the Katy Easter Egg Hunt again this year minus dad, because he had to work. He told me when we left, "Please don't lose one of the children." I wanted to slap him but didn't. The girls had a fun time and I was able to keep track of everyone. The girls saw the Easter Bunny, Regan thought he was a little sketchy, so no smile from her.

They wanted to go into the petty zoo, so bad but the line was super long and my allergies were going crazy. I'm such a mean mom and they just had to stand at the gate and look in.

There were 10,000 eggs in each age group area, they had pretty crappy toys and a few candy, in the eggs, but some had tickets that you could turn in for prizes. Lynlee scored 3 tickets and they got some sidewalk chalk, a bubble wand and a kite. All in all we had a fun time.


Sara said...

sorry we didn't chat much at the easter kids were so jealous of your kids scored with those eggs, love your knew kitchen set, did it have a bench? I thought so, I already don't remember and I don't want to click back...andrew really wants a bench...I'd love to see your new house some time, I bet you have great crafty idea!

Castaneda 5 said...

glad y'all had fun! My computer won't let me see your kitchen table pics so I can't wait to see it!

Hogan Family said...

Holy crap, talk about a lot of eggs. Good thing they have the LARGE bags to collect a ton. The bunny does look a little scary, I don't blame Reagen.