Saturday, March 13, 2010

Busy Busy Week

We started out this week with Lynlee having strep throat, she had a speedy recovery and never even really acted sick, she stayed home from school 2 days and then on Wednesday brought home her star of the week poster home. She was star of the week in her class last week, but in our usual rush out the door mornings I forgot to take a picture of it. We put tons of photos on it and it had a list of some of her favorite things, food-hot dog, which is news to me, color-red/pink, book-Pinkaicious.
This baby is so sweet and getting big way to fast!! Almost 4 months old already.

Then on Friday morning I was packing up a box to send to Billy's family and Regan was helping with the tape, I got up to get the Sharpie marker and write the address and I could hear the scissors cutting, I asked "Hey what are you doing." Response, "I cut myhair mom." She did a pretty good chop job on the side, there were some pieces cut way above her ear, so it was off the get a haircut.

She now has a cute little bob, her hair grows so fast I really wasn't that mad, I just hope she never does it again, but I'm guessing she will. The lady at Great Clips did a horrible job and I'm sure Regan herself could have done better, but she still is my little cutie.

1 comment:

Sara said...

ha, I love the bob! I have yet to have a child cut their hair...knock on wood. Cute blog, and I love your car seat covers!