Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spring Break Camp-Out

This past week Lynlee was out of school for spring break, we got invited by two different families to go camping but couldn't go because Billy had to work, so we decided to have our own camp-out in the dining room. We are losers and couldn't even go outside, I said let's open the window so it feels like we're outside, and both the girls freaked out. What can I say they are "indoor" girls, and who am I kidding, I am too. The only reason we went camping a lot when we lived in Utah and Idaho is because we had our trailer. Anyways Billy and the girls roughed it in the tent and I slept in my nice warm bed because McKenna was sick.

No one in this family knows how to take a normal smiling picture, what are you doing Billy??


Val said...

Fun! That looks like my kind of camping...

Castaneda 5 said...

What a great dad! Wish you could've come with us. There's always next time!