Sunday, August 8, 2010

We Reap What We Sow

Basically we SUCK at sowing. We have had other gardens at houses in Utah and Idaho, but gardening here is a challenge. We tilled, we planted, we prayed. In Utah/Idaho you plant after Mother's Day and pretty much your only worry is, what the crap am I going to do with all these tomatoes in August, when they are all ripe at once!!

Not here in Texas, we had to deal with bugs, birds, bunnies, dogs, weeds, heat, and grass, oh the CRABGRASS!! It grows like a vine and creeps everywhere, I swear you pull it out and the very next day its back. About half through July we threw in the towel and let weeds take over!!
A stupid bunny hole, we probably feed the whole family all summer. The dogs have never really bothered the other gardens we've had but with these bunnies they would run through it every time we let them out trying to catch one. Then they would knock down the net we put up to keep the birds out.

Well, look what I found hidden in all the weeds.

Success, two red bell peppers. We've talked to some native Texans and they have given advice on birds and bugs. Like hanging fake snakes and red Christmas tree ornaments around, so we'll try that next year. I give us at least a C+ for effort.

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