Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Summer Highlights

I have pretty much sucked at blogging this summer, we are expecting baby #4 in January and of course was struck down with a nasty case of morning sickness in the evening. But with that over, here are just a few highlights of summer vacation.

I hate Back t School, I know some parents just love it because there kids fight and are bored at home, and yes mine are like that too, but I like them home with me. When at school somedays I just watch the clock waiting for them to come home and hear about their day and all they did. I like staying up late, and sleeping in, ruining dinner with a bunch of cookies at 5:00 and just hanging out. We have done so much fun stuff this summer, swimming, hitting the movies and fun little outings.

But we are looking forward to dance, girl scouts, and Regan starting preschool. Lynlee had here meet the teacher tonight and I can tell its going to be a great year, but also lonely for mom for a little while. Good thing I'll have a brand new baby to love and cuddle and McKenna to keep me on my toes. I love being a busy mom!!


Elise said...

Yay! I love new blog posts! So glad you've had a fun summer!

Todd and Julie said...

Congrats on the baby!! Hope you are feeling tons better. I never like that feeling but at least something good comes out of it. :)

Steph said...

CONGRATS on the baby you guys!!! That is so exciting!!

ty.haley.t-dog.p.babyg said...

AHHHH! congratulations on baby #4!!! do you know yet, girl or boy?!?!?!? we miss you guys a ton! p and regan would sure be cute in a little preschool together! how fun the days were when we used to get in trouble at t's and lynlee's preschool for chatting too much! keep me posted on the baby gig and when a potential plan to come up is... love ya lady! i will call you sometime so we can catch up! heaven knows we need it!