Wednesday, August 17, 2011

South Padre Island

At the end of July we went to South Padre Island with some great friends the Gleason's we rented a condo and had an amazing time. Great family photo, baby not looking, hair in the face, and weird look on dad's face, but at least Lynlee and I look good.
(All these photos went way out of order but we should just be happy there's a new blog post!)

We visited the turtle refuge, never got to see a live release but the girls still loved seeing all the turtles they are rehabilitating. South Padre is at the very south tip of Texas before you hit Mexico, it was a super cute little beach town with lots of fun surf shops.

The condo had its own pool, we swam and swam and swam!

When we weren't at the pool we were at the beach!! Lost McKenna a few times chasing the seagulls, such a wanderer.

We went on a sunset dolphin watch cruise, it was fun but McKenna was over the dolphin watching after about 10 minutes then I spent the rest of the time making sure she didn't fall overboard.

All the Girlies, I loved that everywhere we went people would stare or say things like, "that's a lot of girls!!"

The condo had three bedrooms and all the girls shared a room and got to stay up way late and watch movies with popcorn in bed. But not to miss a moment of the vacation they went to bed at midnight and were up with the sun at six!! SO RELAXING

The VIEW, love the ocean.

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