Saturday, November 20, 2010


Horrible, Awful, the worst thing ever....We all got LICE!!! My head itches just thinking about it. We've been dealing with it for about a week now, and I think with one more treatment and head checks for months, we will be rid of it. Lynlee's school has had a major outbreak of it so I'm sure she got it there. But it is awful, washing everything, stuffed animals in quarantine for three weeks, using that shampoo, and picking out all those eggs.

I had a friend ask, "what can I do?"
My response, "Nothing, STAY AWAY, and pray for US!!!"
Are battle weapons: The shampoo dried my scalp out so bad it made it itch worse than the bugs. I had to treat the baby too, and there was no way I was putting that stuff on her head, so I found a natural oil to use and it worked great.

1 comment:

Elise said...

Oh, lice is the worst! Sorry you had to deal with all that. I had it as a kid and it was so miserable. Can't imagine being the mom and having to treat yourself and the kids. No fun! Hope they stay away!