Monday, September 28, 2009

Baby Namey Gamey

I added a poll for fun to see what names everyone likes, pretty sure it will be one of those, although I don't think Billy likes any of them. I love McKenna and Tess, and really love Ruby, but don't want to start a whole R-named family thing, leaving out Lynlee.

So vote for what name you like, there is no prize but if the name you choose happens to be the one we pick, you will have the satifaction to waking up every morning knowing you had a hand in naming the Bowns third child. Good Luck!!

Oh and the middle name is going to be Rose, named after Billy's grandma Bown, named Rosalie. I liked Rosalie but didn't want everyone to assume it was a Twilight obession thing, like I know they would, so just Rose.


Castaneda 5 said...

I voted McKenna! I think it meshes well with the girl's names. That's why we are Michelle, Isabel, Gabrielle. Although I didn't figure out that I was doing that until Gabby which is why I spelled Isabel like this and not Isabelle.

ty.haley.t-dog.p.babyg said...

not in love with tess... really like mckenna and ruby. another cute one i heard the other day was imree. all cute picks...

Warth Family said...

I voted McKenna. It think the first name needs at least two syllabols to go well with Rose. So if you really like Tess, maybe Tessa Rose? Just another thing to think about!